U3A LITERARY AND POTATO PEEL PIE SOCIETY (AKA) The Book Group meets on the first Monday of every month at Eastwood Library at 11.00 am.
The contacts for the group are Sue Draper, 01773 717 676 cd16cs14@tiscali.co.uk and Pauline Clayton 01773 788 366 pauline.clayton1@ntlworld.com
Previous meetings:
The Book Club held its first out door meeting in April. Six of us visited Sue Draper’s beautiful garden, complete with firepit and copious amounts of sunshine and enjoyed a lively discussion about our latest book: The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn.
The book received a mixed reception, some of us thought that it made a slow start but picked up later.
We discussed the device of using references to classic films in the plot. Some thought it wasn’t relevant to those who were unfamiliar with the films.
We thought the book had an intriguing plot and was cleverly constructed but were disappointed by the denouement. We thought that Ethan was an unlikely murderer. We also discussed whether Anna was an unreliable narrator due to her addictions. But we were pleased that she seemed to be recovering at the end of the book.
We talked about agoraphobia, one of the main themes in the book, in respect of the current lockdown and whether some people would find it difficult to go out when we are able.
Some recommended books:
Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout, 99p on kindle
The Yorkshire Shepherdess by Amanda Owen
The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields.
Hazel has kindly offered her garden for the next meeting on May 10th. Our book for this month is ‘Cold Comfort Farm’ by Stella Gibbons.