A Showcase Event
will be held at the
Monthly Meeting
Wednesday 2nd October 2024.
Members will be available to talk about what they do in the groups.
Learn, laugh, live; that is – learning for pleasure.
Members will be available to talk about what they do in the groups.
Thank you so much to everyone who contributed
to the impressive buffet.
Look out for the toppers at the beginning of October.
We look forward to welcoming members and visitors to this event, which will last from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon in St Mary’s Church, Church Street, Eastwood. There will be a speaker and refreshments will be served during the break. It will be a good opportunity to catch up on the latest group news and meet up with other u3a members.
It would be good to invite friends/neighbours to attend so that they can find out what we are all about.
CREATIVE CRAFTS – especially Wednesday afternoon meeting
If you want to join our u3a look here: