Celebration Meal 25th June

There will be a celebration meal at the
Gurkha Express restaurant, Eastwood,
on Tuesday 25th June, at 7.00 pm.

The event is open to everyone in the U3A.

Text Paul on 0790 4646836 with your name and u3a number to register your interest.

There is plenty of space in the restaurant but it will be on a first come basis.

A £5 deposit will be required.

Paul Bettridge,
On behalf of the Committee

**10th Anniversary Celebration**

Eastwood & District u3a began in 2014

On Wednesday 5th June 2024
the AGM was followed by the

10th Anniversary Celebration

We had

a Celebration Cake

Display: What u3a means to me
Group photographs
Presentation to ‘Pioneer’ Members
Naming of our teddy mascot – Clint (Eastwood)
An amazing Fuddle

Thank you so much to everyone who contributed
to the impressive buffet.

Plus speaker Gerry Jarvis

who talked about
The Race to Fix the Nerve Agent


There will be other events throughout the year.

eg. Stand at Morrisons – 6th June
Dinner at Gurkha – 25th June
Disco – 29th June
Postbox Toppers

the Creative Craft group aims to put 4 postbox
toppers out 3 times in 2024

u3a Festival 2024 in York

Save the date: 18 to 20 July 2024*

Plans are already underway for u3a Festival ’24 which will take place in July 2024 in the beautiful city of York.

The festival will run over 3 days and will be held at the University of York based around their exhibition centre and sports centre. 
There will be a wide variety of activities – talks, sporting events, musical entertainment and workshops which will make this first u3a national festival something to remember.

Tickets are not yet available to buy but the cost of the attending festival will be as follows:

  • Day 1, Thursday 18 July – £25 including buffet supper
  • Day 2, Friday 19 July – £10 for the full day
  • Day 3, Saturday 20 July – £5 for a half day
  • Full festival to include all 3 days and a buffet supper on Day 1 – £35
Accommodation will be available on campus and a list of local self catering, B&B, campsites and hotels is being collated. 
For more information:



Monthly Meeting – 3rd July 2024

We look forward to welcoming members and visitors to this event, which will last from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon in St Mary’s Church, Church Street, Eastwood.  There will be a speaker and refreshments will be served during the break.   It will be a good opportunity to catch up on the latest group news and meet up with other u3a members.

It would be good to invite friends/neighbours to attend so that they can find out what we are all about.

Monthly Meeting