The current subscription is £20 for full membership, £12 for associate membership (if you are already a member of another u3a).
If you wish to join please contact
Renewal forms are available on the website:
Whichever method you use to pay your subscription you MUST fill in a renewal form. If there are no changes to your details, fill in your name, membership number and date and sign the top section of the form. You must then complete the Privacy Statement to confirm your consent to the storage and use of your data.
The current subscription is £20 for the year, £12 for Associate Members.
If possible please pay your subscription by Bank transfer – a one off bank payment. You must also complete a renewal form and email the treasurer to confirm payment.
Name of payee: Eastwood & District u3a
Sort code: 60-07-28
Account no: 456 35 714
Reference: Your name & membership no (this is essential for the treasurer to pick out who has paid)
Amount: £20
You can pay by Bank transfer through your local post office if you don’t bank online.
If you want to pay by cash or cheque please contact Barry Doran tel: 07565 928 992
If you have signed a gift aid form for yourself and others in your household, the person who completed the gift aid form must pay the full joint amount and sign the renewal form.