Welcome to Eastwood & District u3a, Registered Charity Number 1164636.
u3a is a self-funding co-operative which enables members to share many educational, creative and leisure activities. All members can take from it what they want, and give to it what they can contribute. Members, through sharing their knowledge, skills and experience, learn from each other, meet new people, make new friends and expand their world. Members drive the organisation and activities and this gives us great freedom and independence to provide what YOU, the members, want.
**The Main Meeting is held monthly, at 10.00am on the first Wednesday of each month at St Mary’s Church, Church Street, Eastwood. There will normally be a guest speaker, and an opportunity to find out about the Interest Groups that are available to members. Anyone interested in learning about our u3a is very welcome to come. Refreshments are provided and you can chat to other members and learn all about the organisation.
**There may be some changes to our normal way of operating because of the Covid-19 pandemic
This web site gives contact information, details of Group activities, news from the Groups and how to join. See under EVENTS (on the right) for a monthly calendar of activities and the GROUPS button on the Home page for more details about each group’s activities. We also publish a newsletter which gives updated information and copies are also available on this site.
The Eastwood and District u3a is a registered charity and its constitution can be found here.
The u3a is run by the executive committee .
Information about Interest Groups
A fundamental principle of u3a is that people are capable of managing their own affairs, including their own learning. u3a is very much based on self help and offers members the opportunity to dip in and out of groups as they please. There is no commitment to enrol in classes for a specific time period and there are no exams.
u3a stands for University of the Third Age. The word university is used in its original sense of “a collective of people devoted to a particular kind of activity of personal development”. The third age is defined by a time in your life (not necessarily chronological) where you have the opportunity to undertake learning for its own sake. There is no minimum age, but a focus on people who are no longer in full-time employment or raising a family.
Interest Groups are varied and include intellectual, recreational and social activities. Though autonomy is fundamental within u3a, this does not mean the groups are unstructured. Groups set up their own programmes and structure and all members are encouraged to contribute.
The Group Contacts convene the group and ensure that everyone knows what is going to happen, where it will happen and when. They encourage members to participate fully, to contribute and learn from one another, passing on their skills, knowledge and enthusiasm. A new group can be started at anytime, providing we have a contact and interested members.
Interest Groups operating at the moment are accessed by the GROUPS button. More are being developed all the time. Group Contacts can be contacted directly in order to obtain specific details of the different groups.
We are sure that you will find activities that will interest you and hope you find u3a interesting, educational and fulfilling.
To Join
You can become a member of Eastwood & District u3a at any Monthly Meeting or contact the Membership Secretary at membership@eastwoodU3A.org, Tel 07565 928 992. You can attend our Monthly Meeting twice before you decide to join but our Insurance limits any further involvement.