This is a new group beginning in the Spring 2023. The aim of the group is to arrange trips to various venues throughout the year.
Group Contact Sandra Burns tel. 07930 752 808
Next trip
There will be no trip in August, as for many of us it’s a busy month; I am hoping to arrange
something mid-September. I will let everyone who is registered on the social group know
where and when as soon as its decided.
The Social Group is open to everyone in the Eastwood u3a. If you would like to be informed
first of the planned trips please let me know and I will add you to the list.
Sandra Burns
07930 752 808
Previous Trips
Beverley and Bridlington – July 2023
I’m very pleased to say we all had a very enjoyable day last Thursday, 13th July. Apart from a
brief shower when we arrived at Beverley, the rain stayed away. The bus took us first to
Beverley, a very nice town that many of us hadn’t been to before, then after lunch we
proceeded to Bridlington. A great afternoon at the seaside, Pirate ships fish and chips, who
could want more?
Sandra Burns