
Eastwood & District u3a KnitAid Group is a group of friendly people, who get together and chat whilst completing crafts projects.

We meet at Rumbletums, Kimberley on the 3rd Thursday morning each month from 10.00 am to 12 noon.  The cost is £1.00 per person, which goes towards the room hire.  There is parking nearby.  

We welcome all abilities.  

The knitters have made many items for charity over the years.  Every stitch has been knitted with a lot of chat and laughter.

You don’t necessarily have to knit, we are happy for anyone to work on their own projects.  We welcome anyone who enjoys making things and having fun. For further details please check the newsletter or contact Margaret Naylor   07828 155 086

Some members  went to the Loughborough Town Hall, Sock Exhibition and the Living Threads Exhibition in Long Eaton in March/April.   Previously the group has had trips out to local factories – David Nieper, John Smedley and G H Hurt & Son’s, Chilwell – which have given a fascinating insight into the success of textile manufacturing in the local area – see below.

New members are welcome.

Come and join us.

Visit our gallery

September 2024 – Visit – The Longest Yarn, Southwell Minster
Art Appreciation, Creative Crafts and KnitAid visited The Longest Yarn exhibition at Southwell Minster.
The Longest Yarn is a three-dimensional wool tapestry, knitted and crocheted by hundreds of volunteers worldwide.  It tells of the momentous story of June 6, from the build-up and launch in England through the Normandy invasion.
The tapestry was unveiled at Notre Dame Church in Carentan, France on May 28, 2024 and remained on display until September when it began its tour of Europe and the USA, beginning in Southwell Minster.
The display measures 80 metres and represents the 80 years since D-Day and the 80 days it took for the allies to liberate Paris.
It was well worth the visit.
A few pictures:
Tanks loading onto Tank Landing Ship in Gosport

The tasks go onto the ship backwards so they arrive onto the beaches battle ready.

Parachutes landing everywhere.
Military camps: The New Forest and other forests near the south coast were favourite locations as the camps were hidden under trees.

March 2024 10th Anniversary Toppers

January 2024

Celebrating Myrtle’s 100th birthday


July 2023

March 2023
Easter chickens and rabbits for St Francis Hospice, Manchester.









Another very productive year. Over the last 12 months the group has made:
– 2 postbox toppers at Easter;
– decorated 4 toppers and made yards of bunting for the 40th anniversary celebrations of the national u3a;
– blankets for the British Legion;
– end-of-life blankets and hearts for premature babies for Hayward House;
– hats, cardigans and blankets for neo natal units at Kings Mill, City and QMC hospitals;
– hearts for 4Louise Hearts Appeal for the families of still-born babies;
– hats, gloves, scarves and lap blankets for local people via Eastwood Peoples Initiative;
– little hats for Innocent Smoothies, supporting Help the Aged;
– pull on hats for fishermen.
– also Helen has learnt to crochet;

Thanks to Marie for producing and selling her cards, which pays for postage.
Well done everybody.

May 2022 – Innocent Smoothie Hats – proceeds to Age Concern

Easter 2022 – Postbox toppers in Eastwood – promoting u3a  

March 2022
Scarves, hats, gloves, mittens, socks, baby jacket, blankets and one teddy – sent to Syria.

September 2021  
My, haven’t we been busy in lockdown.