The contact for the group is Helen Baker tel. 01773 710743 or email For more information look in  Art Appreciation

The Photography Group meet on the 3rd Tuesday each month, 10.00-11.30 am at Brinsley Parish Hall. The Group Contact is Barbara Sherwood 01773 786 004 or 07977 109 451

This is a new group which will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 11.00 am to 12.00 noon at The Hayloft, Giltbrook. Contact Janet Lander 07889 976 342 for more information or to join the group.

The contact for the group is Nina Moore 01773 717770

The French Conversation group meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, 10.00am at the Hayloft. The contact for the group is Pauline Clayton- tel 01773 788366  

The contact for the group is Helen Baker tel. 01773 710743 or email For more information look in  Art Appreciation

The contact for the group is Helen Baker tel. 01773 710743 or email For more information look in  Art Appreciation