This group is meeting in the Hayloft on the 1st Thursday each month, 10.00 am.  The contact for the group is Janet Kirk, tel 01773 770 183, email For more information look at the group webpage: History of England

National Trust property/site visits on arranged dates.  Monthly meeting to arrange visits at The Dog and Parrot, Eastwood.  Contact for the group is Yvonne Carey, tel 01773 712 530k

The Board Games group meets on the 1st Monday of each month at the Hayloft from 11.00 am – 1.00 pm.  The contact for the group is Pauline Dawkins tel 01159 383 530

The Book Group is meeting on the 1st Monday every month at Eastwood Library. The contacts for the group are Sue Draper, 01773 717 676 and Pauline Clayton 01773 788 366  

Contact Roger Reynolds 01773 788169. For more information, look in Groups, Walks 5 miles.

The contact for the group is Nina Moore 01773 717770

Meet at The Hayloft on the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month at 2.00 pm. Contact: Glenis Salt tel. 01773 715040    

This group visits local pubs for a drink and a chat.  Contact for the group is Janet O’Neill, tel 07961 832 864 or Rob Leam 07845 177500    

The contact for the group is Marianne Chisholm – email Please contact Marianne if you are interested in this group as they are often out and about rather than in Rumbletums.